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A few little things you can do. Please note this is not a medical guide.
The number one thing you need to remember is that illness means your immune system is vulnerable and weakened. We must support it. That is the ultimate goal. So here are a few things to ensure you do in order to Recover optimally.
Water. Dehydration will inevitable occur during sickness and you need to ensure you stay hydrated so that your muscles and cells can function and support recovery.
Sleep.The most important one. After all, it is during sleep that our body repairs and carries out essential functions for us to repair stronger. More sleep means better and faster recovery.
Zinc. These have been shown to potentially half the time you fall ill by. There are numerous studies out there that show the benefit for short term use during illness.
Vitamin D. Something you should be taking in anyway due to its awesome effect on the immune system! Plus, living in Scotland, we do not get enough of this due to lack of sun exposure. So this is a must.
Protein and Fats. As you won’t be training, your demand for carbs won’t really be high. You can still have them though. But your demand for fats and protein will be high as your body is fighting. So support your cells and muscles by getting in a good amount of each per day.
Make sense?
Good. Now you know what to do next time you fall ill!
Please Note: Always consult with a GP if you are unsure about taking any supplements or pills.