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Will Supplements Help Me Reach My Goal?

The supplement industry is worth well over 1 billion. Safe to say, these aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

Do Supplements help?


Another small piece that will give you a quick breakdown of what actually helps.  Women, in particular, can take something from this.


Supplements, as the word suggests, supplement an already well-rounded nutritional approach.  They alone should not be used, otherwise, you are certainly bound to fail.  Supplements, as long as you know your stuff, are safe.  I’ll list a few that may be of help and will give a quick breakdown.


  • Whey Protein – these are not steroids, nor will they make you big and bulky.  This myth needs to die, EVERYONE needs protein and women, please, stop shying away from added protein as your body needs it.  A good quality whey supplement can help ladies especially who struggle to get in protein and for those constantly on-the-go.   A whey supplement is only adding extra protein to your diet.  They won’t fry your kidneys, nor will they turn you into an elite level bodybuilder.  



  • Omega 3 Fish Oil – Healthy heart, improved cognitive (brain) function, efficient metabolism of fat and reduced inflammation are just a few key benefits.  This is a no-brainer, especially for those who aren’t a fan of eating Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines etc…


  • Vitamin D – Chances are, if you are reading this, you live in Scotland.  A good source of Vit D is the sun.  You know where I will go with this.  So get Vit D in as it helps with the development of teeth and bones, immune function, regulation of Calcium within the body and also in men, healthy testosterone balances.


  • Creatine Monohydrate – If you are looking to gain lean muscle mass, this can be extremely helpful.  Creatine monohydrate, without going into detail, saturates muscle cells and pulls in water to cells.  Weight will then increase on the scale because you pull in more water. What does this mean?  Our body’s primary source of energy can be replenished and we can train a little harder in the weight room.


  • Greens Powder – One that I personally use and definitely recommend.  However, I would not recommend these to someone who already has poor dietary habits and wants to substitute these for vegetables.  So long as you already eat well, adding in a greens powder can help.  Fibre, in general, is essential. What’s the point in taking in all that food, and specifically for bodybuilders, protein, when our body can’t process it all?


  • Caffeine.  Yes, invest in good quality coffee (not instant).  Caffeine can give you a massive boost with your workouts and it helps ramp up the intensity of sessions.  It may also have a positive effect on fat loss during those last stages of dieting


Were you expecting a more comprehensive guide?  These are the bare essentials that you really need.  Now I know what you are thinking – “where is the multivitamin”?  In all honesty, and although most people may disagree, these are not really needed.  Provided you eat a well-rounded diet already, you don’t need to worry too much about a multivitamin.  People over-exaggerate the need for these but we are already getting a lot of vitamins and minerals from good quality food that we eat.  Oh, you don’t have a nice well-rounded nutrition plan?  Who cares.  STOP looking for a shortcut all the time and begin to eat right and make better choices with food.


Budget plays a big part also.  So if you were to ask if supplements were essential, I would definitely say no.  Think about it – all supplements are derived, one way or the other, through food. It’s just easier to take and in some cases, the quality will definitely have been downgraded.  Think about that.   For the most part, however, deficiencies is what we need to establish.  Visit your GP.  Quit being a macho man or think you don’t need to, otherwise, you can continue spinning your wheels and buy supplements that will burn a hole in your wallet.  Get the deficiency identified, then supplement through a good recommendation by your doctor.  If however, all is well, then the above supplements can be considered as part of an already nicely-rounded eating regimen.

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